The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
by Simon Stephens
Directed by Justin Anderson & Lisa Adler
Projection Design by Milton Cordero
Set Design by Isabel and Moriah Curley-Clay
Light Design by Mary Parker
Costume Design by Alice Neff
Sound Design by Chris Lane
Stage Manager Katie Chambers (Aurora)
Julianna M. Lee (Horizon)
Co-Production by Aurora Theatre & Horizon Theatre
Horizon Theatre, GA. 2019
Aurora Theatre , GA . 2020
"And the projections! I’ve never seen anything like them at Horizon; hats off to Milton Cordero, who designed them. In a sense we see the whole universe, at least as perceived by Christopher. "
- Manning Harris, Atlanta in Town -
"Milton Cordero’s projections enliven the space, and he does a marvelous job of taking us inside Christopher’s mind. The projections not only convey various settings — neighborhood, school, the Tube — but also the scribblings in Christopher’s notebook. Math equations and maps appear across the walls in real time as Christopher tries to solve the mystery of who killed the dog named Wellington."
- Kelundra Smith, ArtsATL -